- Filippova, N.V.; Thormann, M.N. 2015. The fungal consortium of Andromeda polifolia in bog habitats. Mires and Peat 16: Article 6.
- Filippova, N.V.; Thormann, M.N. 2014. Communities of larger fungi of ombrotrophic bogs in West Siberia. Mires and Peat 14: Article 8.
- Limpens, J.; Granath, G.; Aerts, R.; Heijmans, M.M.P.D.; Sheppard, L.J.; Bragazza, L.; Williams, B.L.; Rydin, H.; Bubier, J.; Moore, T.; Rochefort, L.; Mitchell, E.A.D.; Buttler, A.; van den Berg, L.J.L., Gunnarsson, U.; Francez, A.-J.; Gerdol, R.; Thormann, M.; Grosvernier, P.; Wiedermann, M.M.; Nilsson, M.B.; Hoosbeek, M.R.; Bayley, S.; Nordbakken, J.-F.; Paulissen, M.P.C.P.; Hotes, S.; Breeuwer, A.; Ilomets, M.; Tomassen, H.B.M.; Leith, I.; Xu, B. 2012. Greenhouse vs. field experiments: do they yield ecologically similar results for assessing N impacts on peat mosses? New Phytologist 195: 408–418.
- Thormann, M.N. 2011. In vitro decomposition of Sphagnum-derived acrotelm and mesotelm peat by indigenous and alien basidiomycetous fungi. Mires and Peat 8: Article 3.
- Limpens, J.; Granath, G.; Gunnarsson, U.; Aerts, R.; Bayley, S.; Bragazza, L.; Bubier, J.; Buttler, A.; van den Berg, L.J.L.; Francez, A.-J.; Gerdol, R.; Grosvernier, P.; Heijmans, M.M.P.D.; Hoosbeek, M.R.; Hotes, S.; Ilomets, M.; Leith, I.; Mitchell, E.A.D., Moore, T.; Nilsson, M.B.; Nordbakken, J.-F.; Rochefort, L.; Rydin, H.; Sheppard, L.J.; Thormann, M.; Wiedermann, M.M.; Williams, B.L.; Xu, B. 2011. Climatic modifiers of the response to nitrogen deposition in peat-forming Sphagnum mosses. A meta-analysis. New Phytologist 191: 496-507.
- Andersen, R.; Grasset, L.; Thormann, M.N.; Rochefort, L.; Francez, A.-J. 2010. Changes in microbial community structure and function following Sphagnum peatland restoration. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42: 291-301.
- Rice, A.V.; Thormann, M.N.; Langor, D.W. 2008. Mountain pine beetle associated blue-stain fungi are differentially adapted to boreal temperatures. Forest Pathology 38: 113-123.
- Thormann, M.N.; Rice, A.V. 2007. Fungi in peatlands. Fungal Diversity 24: 241-299.
- Rice, A.V.; Thormann, M.N.; Langor, D.W. 2007. Mountain pine beetle-associated blue-stain fungi cause lesions on jack pine, lodgepole pine, and lodgepole x jack pine hybrids in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Botany 85: 307-315.
- Rice, A.V.; Thormann, M.N.; Langor, D.W. 2007. Virulence of, and interactions among, mountain pine beetle associated blue-stain fungi on two pine species and their hybrids in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Botany 85: 316-323
- Thormann, M.N.; Rice, A.V., Beilman, D.W. 2007. Yeasts in peatlands: a review of richness and roles in peat decomposition. Wetlands 27: 761-773.
- Thormann, M.N. 2006. Diversity and function of fungi in peatlands: A carbon cycling perspective. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 86: 281-293.
- Thormann, M.N. 2006. The role of fungi in boreal peatlands. Pages 101-123 in Wieder, R.K. and Vitt, D.H., eds. Boreal Peatland Ecosystems. Ecological Studies 188, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
- Thormann, M.N. 2006. Lichens as indicators of forest health in Canada. The Forestry Chronicle 82: 335-343.
- Schulz, M.K.; Thormann, M.N. 2005. Functional and taxonomic diversity of saprobic filamentous fungi from Typha latifolia from central Alberta, Canada. Wetlands 25: 675-684.
- Bayley, S.E.; Thormann, M.N.; Szumigalski, A.R. 2005. Nitrogen mineralization and decomposition in western boreal bog and fen peat. Écoscience 12: 455-465.
- Thormann, M.N.; Currah, R.S.; Bayley, S.E. 2004. Patterns of distribution of microfungi in decomposing bog and fen plants. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 710-720.
- Thormann, M.N.; Bayley, S.E.; Currah, R.S. 2004. Microcosm tests of the effects of temperature and microbial species number on the decomposition of sedge and bryophyte litter from southern boreal peatlands. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 50: 793-802.
- Thormann, M.N.; Foster, N.W.; Bernier, P.Y.; Schindler, D.W.; Beall, F.D. 2004. Land use practices and changes – forestry. Pages 57-66 in Environment Canada, eds. Threats to Freshwater Availability in Canada. Environment Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- Thormann, M.N.; Currah, R.S.; Bayley, S.E. 2003. Succession of microfungal assemblages in decomposing peatland plants. Plant and Soil 250: 323-333.
- Piercey, M.M., Thormann, M.N.; Currah, R.S. 2002. Saprobic characteristics of three fungal taxa from ericalean roots and their association with the roots of Rhododendron groenlandicum and Picea mariana in culture. Mycorrhiza 12: 175-180.
- Thormann, M.N.; Currah, R.S.; Bayley, S.E. 2002. The relative ability of fungi from Sphagnum fuscum to decompose selected carbon sources. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 48: 204-211.
- Thormann, M.N.; Bayley, S.E.; Currah, R.S. 2002. The microbial wildcard in peatland carbon storage: implications for global warming. Pages 25-28 in Z.C. Yu, Bhatti, J.S., and Apps, M.J., eds. Long-Term Dynamics and Contemporary Carbon Budget of Northern Peatlands. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Carbon Dynamics of Forested Peatlands: Knowledge Gaps, Uncertainty, and Modeling Approaches, 23-24 March, 2001, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Information Report NOR-X-383.
- Thormann, M.N.; Myrholm, C.L.; Mallett, K.I. 2001. Armillaria sinapina in herbaceous plant material from a peatland in Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 643-647.
- Thormann, M.N.; Bayley, S.E.; Currah, R.S. 2001. Comparison of decomposition of belowground and aboveground plant litters in peatlands of boreal Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 9-22.
- Tsuneda, A.; Thormann, M.N.; Currah, R.S. 2001. Modes of cell wall degradation of Sphagnum fuscum by Acremonium cf. curvulum and Oidiodendron maius. Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 93-100.
- Thormann, M.N.; Currah, R.S.; Bayley, S.E. 2001. Microfungi isolated from Sphagnum fuscum from a southern boreal bog in Alberta, Canada. The Bryologist 104: 548-559.
- Vitt, D.H.; Halsey, L.A.; Campbell, C.; Bayley, S.E.; Thormann, M.N. 2001. Spatial patterning of net primary productivity in wetlands of continental western Canada. Écoscience 8: 499-505.
- Tsuneda, A.; Thormann, M.N.; Currah, R.S. 2000. Scleroconidioma, a new genus of dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 1294-1298.
- Thormann, M.N.; Szumigalski, A.R.; Bayley, S.E. 1999. Peat accumulation potentials of peatlands in southern boreal Alberta, Canada. Wetlands 19: 305-317.
- Thormann, M.N.; Currah, R.S.; Bayley, S.E. 1999. The mycorrhizal status of the dominant vegetation along a peatland gradient in southern boreal Alberta, Canada. Wetlands 19: 438-450.
- Thormann, M.N.; Szumigalski, A.R.; Bayley, S.E. 1998. Effects of hydrologic changes on production and surface water chemistry in two boreal peatlands: Implications for global warming. Hydrobiologia 362: 171-183.
- Thormann, M.N.; Bayley, S.E. 1997. Decomposition along a moderate-rich fen – marsh peatland gradient in boreal Alberta, Canada. Wetlands 17: 123-137.
- Thormann, M.N.; Bayley, S.E. 1997. Aboveground net primary production along a bog – fen – marsh gradient in southern boreal Alberta, Canada. Écoscience 4: 374-384.
- Thormann, M.N.; Bayley, S.E. 1997. Aboveground plant production and nutrient content of the vegetation in six peatlands in Alberta, Canada. Plant Ecology 131: 1-16.
- Thormann, M.N.; Bayley, S.E. 1997. Response of net aboveground primary plant production to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in peatlands in southern boreal Alberta, Canada. Wetlands 17: 502-513.